ZiXuan Hu

ZiXuan Hu, Flutist

胡紫璇老师毕业于 University of Redlands 音乐教育与长笛表演专业。她拥有19年长笛演奏经验以及四年以上一对一小课教学经验。在大学四年的学习后,她掌握了钢琴以及大部分管弦乐器演奏基础,同时对柯达伊与奥尔夫音乐教学法产生了浓厚的兴趣。2012年,她曾获得南加州少年音乐家音乐节 (Southern California Young Musician Festival) 第一名,2015年获得巴赫音乐节提名。2013年至2016年作为Whittier Christian高中行进乐团的长笛首席参加了各项行进乐团比赛以及表演,并在同年担任GCCI大使命教会长笛首席。2012年加入Claremont少年音乐家管弦乐团Intermezzo,并在不久后成为该乐团的长笛首席。2017年至2020年作为Redlands大学Symphonic管乐团长笛首席进行。现已注册为MTAC加州音乐教师协会成员之一。

Ms.Hu has graduated from University of Redlands with Bachelor’s Degree in Flute Performance and Music Education. She studied flute at an early age and has been performing flute for nearly 19 years. In 2012, Ms.Hu earned first place at Southern California Young Music Festival. In the same year, she joined the CYMO Intermezzo Orchestra, and later became the Flute Principle. In 2015, She got promoted at the Bach Music Festival. From 2013 to 2016, She participated as the Flute Principle in Whittier Christian High School Marching Band and GCCI Church Orchestra. 

During her study at University of Redlands, Ms.Hu learned multiple instruments as necessary skills for her to become a music educator. She has access to different music education methods, and grows interests in studying the Kodaly and the Orff Methods. Ms.Hu is currently a member of the Music Teacher Association of California.


  • 2009 & 2010 Beijing Unprofessional Marching Band Competition 1st place 北京非职业行进乐团比赛第一名
  • 2009 & 2010 Spring of Shanghai Marching Band Competition 1st place 上海之春行进乐团比赛第一名
  • 2012 Southern California Young Musician Festival 1st 南加州少年音乐家音乐节 第一名
  • 2013-2014 Whittier Christian High School Marine Excellent Award 高中海军陆战队军乐团优秀奖
  • 2014-2015 Whittier Christian High School John Philip Sousa Award
  • 2013 & 2014 California State Band Championships third place 加州行进乐队竞赛第三名
  • 2014 & 2015 California State Band Championships seventh place 加州行进乐队竞赛第七名
  • 2015 Voce Flute group 1st place substitution 长笛组一等奖
  • 2015 Bach Festival promotion 巴赫音乐节提名
  • 2016 MTAC Certificate of Merit Advance Level 加州音乐教师协会CM考级长笛最高等级

授课范围(scoop of class): 

  • 长笛

授课语言(language of instruction): 中文/英文 (Chinese/English)


  • $80/时

可用时间(Available time):

  • 周一到周四下午,周六周日全天